They Call This 'Projection'
(too old to reply)
2006-11-30 12:25:07 UTC
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude. This is the dialogue
from Monday's strip:

Hippie college professor: You know, B.D., I'm a pacifist. I don't think
anyone should join the military. But you should hear the fine young
patriots taking my ethics class. War-supporters all, but quick to explain
why they're not enlisting!

Conservative-looking student: "And I truly believe that I can better
serve my country at a hedge fund."

Another student (not shown): Hear, hear!

Then Tuesday's:

Conservative-looking student: Look, Dr. Sloan, all I'm saying is that
it'd be a waste to send the best and brightest to Iraq. The military is
for volunteers, you know, people with limited options in life who don't
have a future or whatever. Although I support them, of course.

Another student (not shown): Me too! Totally!

B.D.: This is an ethics class?

Hippie college professor: In its final week. I'm beyond despair.

And Wednesday's:

Hippie college professor: This past week, we've been discussing the
disconnect between supporting the war but being unwilling to serve.
Today's guest would like to speak to that. You all know coach B.D. But
what you may not know is that he volunteered for three of our nation's

Student (not shown): Is that right, coach? You volunteered for three

B.D.: Yes.

Student (not shown): No offense, but isn't that, like, retarded?

B.D.: Offense taken.

Now, we'll admit we don't spend that much time on campus, and we suppose
it's possible that pro-war students talk exactly like Charles Rangel or
John Kerry. But we are skeptical.
"You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do
your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well.
If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." JFK
2006-12-01 09:26:42 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude. This is the dialogue
Hippie college professor: You know, B.D., I'm a pacifist. I don't think
anyone should join the military. But you should hear the fine young
patriots taking my ethics class. War-supporters all, but quick to explain
why they're not enlisting!
Conservative-looking student: "And I truly believe that I can better
serve my country at a hedge fund."
Another student (not shown): Hear, hear!
Conservative-looking student: Look, Dr. Sloan, all I'm saying is that
it'd be a waste to send the best and brightest to Iraq. The military is
for volunteers, you know, people with limited options in life who don't
have a future or whatever. Although I support them, of course.
Another student (not shown): Me too! Totally!
Dimwits in the military? It's an old stereotype. But, Colin Powell did
make a speech to the UN on the run up to the war and introduced a
garbage truck as a WMD Decontamination Vehicle. He even had a photo of it.

So, maybe there is some truth to the stereotype.
Post by Ubiquitous
B.D.: This is an ethics class?
Hippie college professor: In its final week. I'm beyond despair.
Hippie college professor: This past week, we've been discussing the
disconnect between supporting the war but being unwilling to serve.
Today's guest would like to speak to that. You all know coach B.D. But
what you may not know is that he volunteered for three of our nation's
Student (not shown): Is that right, coach? You volunteered for three
B.D.: Yes.
Student (not shown): No offense, but isn't that, like, retarded?
B.D.: Offense taken.
Now, we'll admit we don't spend that much time on campus, and we suppose
it's possible that pro-war students talk exactly like Charles Rangel or
John Kerry. But we are skeptical.
2006-12-03 04:48:09 UTC
Post by PagCal
Dimwits in the military? It's an old stereotype. But, Colin Powell did
make a speech to the UN on the run up to the war and introduced a
garbage truck as a WMD Decontamination Vehicle. He even had a photo of it.
So, maybe there is some truth to the stereotype.
Um..., good to see you support the troops. sheesh...

-- Kirk

"The length of one's days matters less
than the love of one's family and friends."

-- Gerald Ford
2006-12-02 16:33:35 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude.
'"How's your boy?" Webb, in an interview Wednesday, recalled Bush
asking during the reception two weeks ago.
"I told him I'd like to get him out of Iraq," Webb said.
"That's not what I asked. How's your boy?" the president replied,
according to Webb.

To sum up:
Son of Democratic Senator Jim Webb, Vietnam vet, leading critic of the
Iraq war: Lance Corporal in Iraq.
Daughters of President George Bush, parttime Texas National Guard
pilot, self-proclaimed "decider" of the Iraq war and "war president":
requested to leave Argentina by embassy officials due to tabloid
You were saying?
2006-12-03 04:44:57 UTC
Post by z
Son of Democratic Senator Jim Webb, Vietnam vet, leading critic of the
Iraq war: Lance Corporal in Iraq.
I'm not really sure what your point is. For all we know (it's not
mentioned, here) Webb's son might support the war. For you to mention him
in an anti-war post is a bit assuming.
Post by z
Daughters of President George Bush
What is it with you and the Bush daughters?

-- Kirk

"The length of one's days matters less
than the love of one's family and friends."

-- Gerald Ford
2006-12-05 21:29:18 UTC
Post by Kirk
Post by z
Son of Democratic Senator Jim Webb, Vietnam vet, leading critic of the
Iraq war: Lance Corporal in Iraq.
I'm not really sure what your point is. For all we know (it's not
mentioned, here) Webb's son might support the war. For you to mention him
in an anti-war post is a bit assuming.
Not antiwar post; anti-chickenhawk reply to pro-chickenhawk post.
You've been in the military so you get the coveted Z Stamp of Approval
for Earning the Right to Have a ProWar Opinion.
Post by Kirk
Post by z
Daughters of President George Bush
What is it with you and the Bush daughters?
Bush says about dead American soldiers: "They did not yearn to be
heroes. They yearned to see mom and dad again and to hold their
sweethearts and to watch their sons and daughters grow. They wanted the
daily miracle of freedom in America, yet they gave all that up and gave
life itself for the sake of others." Presumably his kids don't feel as
strongly, and that's OK with him. What a poopie-head.
2006-12-06 17:47:31 UTC
Post by z
Not antiwar post; anti-chickenhawk reply to pro-chickenhawk post.
You've been in the military so you get the coveted Z Stamp of Approval
for Earning the Right to Have a ProWar Opinion.
Well, thanks for the Stamp! (Amazing, how much mileage I've gotten from my
one term in the military. I highly recommend everyone serve, just so they
can say spout off about it on usenet.)

Regardless, do I have to be a fireman, to think that fires need to be put
out? Do I have to be a cop, to think that criminals need to be arrested?
Of course not.

More and more, I'm starting to think that the prime motivation behind
proclaiming oneself as "against the war," is to provide an excuse for not
fighting it.

"Oh, I would be in the military, but Bush is a fascist."

"Oh, I would be in the military, but the war is wrong."

"Oh, I would be in the military, but the Bush daughters aren't."

"Oh, I would be in the military, but blah...blah...blah.... "

It's all b.s. As for the minister "pacifist" in Doonesbury, I would like
to ask Trudeau what a pacifist is supposed to do, if he sees a violent crime
in progress. He can't call the cops, because they might have to use
violence to stop the crime. He can't intevene himself, because he might
have to use violence himself to end the crime.
2006-12-06 18:18:16 UTC
Post by Kirk
Post by z
Not antiwar post; anti-chickenhawk reply to pro-chickenhawk post.
You've been in the military so you get the coveted Z Stamp of Approval
for Earning the Right to Have a ProWar Opinion.
Well, thanks for the Stamp! (Amazing, how much mileage I've gotten from my
one term in the military. I highly recommend everyone serve, just so they
can say spout off about it on usenet.)
It's like the Heinlein idea, where you have to spend some time in the
military to become a citizen with voting rights. It's actually
congruent with this basic premise, that you don't get to send people to
war unless you have some sort of idea what it's like.
Post by Kirk
It's all b.s. As for the minister "pacifist" in Doonesbury, I would like
to ask Trudeau what a pacifist is supposed to do, if he sees a violent crime
in progress. He can't call the cops, because they might have to use
violence to stop the crime. He can't intevene himself, because he might
have to use violence himself to end the crime.
Well, he could vote against Bush. Oh, you were talking about something
2006-12-07 17:38:51 UTC
Post by z
Post by Ubiquitous
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude.
'"How's your boy?" Webb, in an interview Wednesday, recalled Bush
asking during the reception two weeks ago.
"I told him I'd like to get him out of Iraq," Webb said.
"That's not what I asked. How's your boy?" the president replied,
according to Webb.
Webb's reception with the president and other lawmakers was not the place
to admit he has a dumb and uneducated loser for a son (why else would he
be in Iraq?)."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur
2006-12-07 21:52:27 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Post by z
Post by Ubiquitous
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude.
'"How's your boy?" Webb, in an interview Wednesday, recalled Bush
asking during the reception two weeks ago.
"I told him I'd like to get him out of Iraq," Webb said.
"That's not what I asked. How's your boy?" the president replied,
according to Webb.
Webb's reception with the president and other lawmakers was not the place
to admit he has a dumb and uneducated loser for a son (why else would he
be in Iraq?)."
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur
Helpful hint to "compassionate conservatives", assholes, sociopaths,
and others trying to pass in normal human society; it is customary when
asking about someone's son, if they say something like "I wish he were
home instead of in a war zone", to respond with something empathetic,
such as "Me too", or "We all do" or "I wish they were all home", even
though you actually don't give a shit since your family is all safe.
2008-07-22 09:39:23 UTC
Former Rep. Patricia Schroeder, one of the nation's more prominent
feminists, blames sexism for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's failure to
win the Democratic presidential nomination, the Media Research Center
(www.mrc.org) reports.

When "CBS Early Show" co-host Harry Smith on Monday asked Mrs. Schroeder
whether Mrs. Clinton had gotten "a fair shake" during the campaign, this
is what Mrs. Schroeder replied:

"It troubles me a lot what we saw. It was like they made a witch out of
her, some people. You know, we thought the Salem witch trials were over.
But some people, no matter what she said, it was 'Don't believe it.
She's really evil.' This is - I've never seen anyone do that to a

[Really? Sounds like standard operating procedure to me!]
It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
for them, it's failing.
2009-09-17 09:17:27 UTC
The Montana Standard, published in Butte, announces a new columnist:

Byron York will serve as a conservative voice every Tuesday,
just as Leonard Pitts gives the more liberal view on Mondays.

York, a staunch conservative, presents his arguments in a
thoughtful, measured fashion, rather than resorting to cheap
personal attacks on President Obama and others in the
Democratic Party that seem to be the hallmark of the GOP
these days, said Standard Editor Gerry O'Brien.

We know and like Byron York and applaud the choice. O'Brien's editorializing,
however, is odd for two reasons. First, does it not occur to him that he is
doing exactly what he faults Republicans for, namely engaging in gratuitous
insults? Second, isn't he worried about losing readers, some of whom likely
are among the group he is insulting?
It's now time for healing, and for fixing the damage the Democrats did
to America.
2023-07-27 08:30:54 UTC
Whoopi Goldberg said Wednesday that Republicans were only going after
President Joe Biden because they wanted to “punish” him for winning the 2020
presidential election.

Goldberg made the comments during Wednesday’s broadcast of the ABC midday
talk show “The View,” blowing off allegations of bribery and corruption — and
her co-hosts quickly joined the pile-on, suggesting that Republicans were
attempting to “weaponize” Hunter Biden against his father because they didn’t
have a platform.


"What bribery scheme?! … What is really happening here?"The View
flaunts their profound ignorance of the investigations into the
Biden crime family."How much punishment does Biden need cause he
won," Whoopi whines.

Joy Behar claims it's all a distraction from Trump.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 26, 2023

“What bribery scheme?” Goldberg began. “What? I’m sorry, I — it’s always —
it’s so different every day, I mean, you know, they’re either freaking out
about ‘Barbie,’ or they’re upset about — you know — Budweiser beer, and it
just … Bud Light, okay, that’s right, you don’t want the wrong thing to get

“What is really happening here?” Goldberg asked, vaguely referencing the
multiple whistleblowers — and now Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer — who
had alleged that President Joe Biden was deeply involved in his son’s foreign
business dealings and influence peddling.

But instead of digging into the allegations, Goldberg suggested that it was
all a coordinated effort to attack Biden because he won in 2020. “How much
punishment does Biden need cause he won and they lost?” she wondered.

Co-host Joy Behar claimed that Republicans were attacking Biden because of
the multiple indictments dogging former President Donald Trump — who is still
leading Republican primary polls going into the 2024 election — and that the
only way they could deflect from that was to beat up on Biden.

“Take your eyes off of Trump even though he’s a criminal,” she mocked,
adding, “Put your eyes on this guy instead.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin agreed that the focus on Hunter Biden and Joe Biden was
meant to be a diversion, but she argued that it was because they “don’t have
a real program [to] help the American people.”

Leaving out the whistleblower testimony that showed how closely President Joe
Biden had been involved in his son’s foreign business dealings, she again
complained that Republicans were “weaponizing” Hunter Biden in an effort to
take down his father.


Joy defends Hunter's schemes because was is "not part of the
administration" and falsely claims ALL of Trump's kids were
in his (only Ivanka was).
"That's a huge difference really when you think about it."

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 26, 2023

Behar weighed in again, arguing again that it was all about Trump and
appearing to claim that all of his children had been involved in his
administration when only Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, had been.
Whatever Hunter had done, she argued it did not matter since he was not a
part of Joe Biden’s administration.

[It's called "projection".]

Let's go Brandon!
