2006-11-30 12:25:07 UTC
Garry Trudeau, who draws the Doonesbury comic strip, is an excellent
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude. This is the dialogue
from Monday's strip:
Hippie college professor: You know, B.D., I'm a pacifist. I don't think
anyone should join the military. But you should hear the fine young
patriots taking my ethics class. War-supporters all, but quick to explain
why they're not enlisting!
Conservative-looking student: "And I truly believe that I can better
serve my country at a hedge fund."
Another student (not shown): Hear, hear!
Then Tuesday's:
Conservative-looking student: Look, Dr. Sloan, all I'm saying is that
it'd be a waste to send the best and brightest to Iraq. The military is
for volunteers, you know, people with limited options in life who don't
have a future or whatever. Although I support them, of course.
Another student (not shown): Me too! Totally!
B.D.: This is an ethics class?
Hippie college professor: In its final week. I'm beyond despair.
And Wednesday's:
Hippie college professor: This past week, we've been discussing the
disconnect between supporting the war but being unwilling to serve.
Today's guest would like to speak to that. You all know coach B.D. But
what you may not know is that he volunteered for three of our nation's
Student (not shown): Is that right, coach? You volunteered for three
B.D.: Yes.
Student (not shown): No offense, but isn't that, like, retarded?
B.D.: Offense taken.
Now, we'll admit we don't spend that much time on campus, and we suppose
it's possible that pro-war students talk exactly like Charles Rangel or
John Kerry. But we are skeptical.
representative of baby-boomer liberalism. In a series of strips last
week, he addressed the Kerry/Rangel attitude toward the military--only he
imagines it is conservatives who hold this attitude. This is the dialogue
from Monday's strip:
Hippie college professor: You know, B.D., I'm a pacifist. I don't think
anyone should join the military. But you should hear the fine young
patriots taking my ethics class. War-supporters all, but quick to explain
why they're not enlisting!
Conservative-looking student: "And I truly believe that I can better
serve my country at a hedge fund."
Another student (not shown): Hear, hear!
Then Tuesday's:
Conservative-looking student: Look, Dr. Sloan, all I'm saying is that
it'd be a waste to send the best and brightest to Iraq. The military is
for volunteers, you know, people with limited options in life who don't
have a future or whatever. Although I support them, of course.
Another student (not shown): Me too! Totally!
B.D.: This is an ethics class?
Hippie college professor: In its final week. I'm beyond despair.
And Wednesday's:
Hippie college professor: This past week, we've been discussing the
disconnect between supporting the war but being unwilling to serve.
Today's guest would like to speak to that. You all know coach B.D. But
what you may not know is that he volunteered for three of our nation's
Student (not shown): Is that right, coach? You volunteered for three
B.D.: Yes.
Student (not shown): No offense, but isn't that, like, retarded?
B.D.: Offense taken.
Now, we'll admit we don't spend that much time on campus, and we suppose
it's possible that pro-war students talk exactly like Charles Rangel or
John Kerry. But we are skeptical.
"You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do
your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well.
If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." JFK
"You know, education--if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do
your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you can do well.
If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." JFK